Leave Your Mark and be part of history by naming one of the BSU Bulldogs Football Locker to support our Bulldogs!
Our student-athletes deserve a first-rate facility worthy of champions! Make your one-time, tax deductible gift of $500 to name a locker. Your gift is an investment in student-athletes providing financial assistance to those in need and enhancing their overall educational experience.
Your donation will include a custom nameplate affixed to a locker in the Bulldog locker room located at the Bulldog Stadium. In addition, your generous giving will go towards spirited painted walls and other amenities that will set our locker room apart from the rest of Division II, while acknowledging donors for their support.
There are only 90 lockers available and will be assigned on a first come first served basis.
Payment Options
Customize Your Nameplate
Please provide the following information for your customized nameplate by emailing Coach Damon Wilson at dwilson@bowiestate.edu.
NOTE: If donor was not a football player, you can personalize your nameplate. (e.g. name, class year, organization, in honor of, in memory of, etc.).
Leave your mark by making a one –time, tax deductible gift of $500 to name a locker for the life of the locker