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CSA Summer Camp at BSU

CSA Summer Camp at BSU Image
Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
18 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on August 15, at 07:00 AM EDT
Project Owners

CSA Summer Camp at BSU

The Department of Computer Science at Bowie State University (BSU) is launching its first camp, the Computer Science Applications Camp (CSA). The camp accepts students between the ages of 12-17 who are underrepresented and interested in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. BSU students will serve as mentors and interns for the camp and gain hands-on experience implementing the curriculum, strategies, and methodologies that they have learned in the classroom. 

Through a collaboration with the Prince George’s County Public Schools, the CSA Camp serves as a collegiate pipeline for the Department of Computer Science at BSU. The camp enhances the university’s ability to recruit minority male and female students, as well as help to close the achievement gap. Students participating in the CSA Camp will receive first-hand knowledge about computers and the global impact they have had since their debut. 

We invite you to raise a minimum of $10,000 to support the programmatic needs of the campRobots, digital arts software, stipends, daily supplies, and other camp needs will be supported with the funds from this endeavor.

CSA Participants Will Learn…

  • About the diverse fields of study in computer science.
  • That computational (and algorithmic) thinking can be fun and exciting.
  • That Computer Scientists come from a wide variety of backgrounds (African American, African, Asian, Caucasian, Native American, Romani, etc.) and social backgrounds (rural, suburban, and urban).
  • That people in computing have varied interests in mobile devices (Smartphones and tablets), gaming, computer security, artificial intelligence, networking, database, computer animation, virtual reality and many more.


  • Experience real-life applications of Computer Science.
  • Meet and work with students who have similar interests.
  • Gain exposure to and experience in one of today’s top career fields.


There are two sessions of the CSA Summer Camp. The camp will run each day from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the Computer Science Building on BSU’s campus. Each session will have between 40-60 students. 

$300 for TWO weeks – July 23rd to August 3rd

$300 for TWO weeks – August 6th to August 17th

We thank you in advance for your support and investing in the next generation of global leaders. 

Choose a giving level



Contribute $5



$10 Contribution



$25 Contribution



$50 Contribution



$100 Contribution



$250 Contribution



$500 Contribution



$1,000 Contribution